10 Perfect Beyoncé GIFs to Describe Your Current Mood: Quarantine Edition


10 Beyoncé GIFs that likely describe your #CurrentMood – Quarantine Edition.


Social distancing got you homebound and falling down the internet meme rabbit hole? We’re glad to see you following health guidelines and staying indoors! In the meantime, we’re more than happy to provide you with some quarantine-appropriate Queen Bey content. Behold!

And, make sure to read to the end to find out more about what DivaDance is doing to keep you on your feet and moving during this period of social distancing! We wouldn’t dare leave you high and dry with no epic routines to dance to!

1) That feeling when you finally get an InstaCart timeslot and can get your favorite munchies delivered to your house! Yasss! Cheezits, red wine, and Halo Top on demand! How would we ever survive without magical delivery services?

2) When it’s day 10, the boredom starts to hit, and you decide to film a music video in the bathroom…. so am I too old to download TikTok? What’s a renegade? And who is this girl Charli?

3) That look when you realize every transaction on your bank statement for the past three weeks is to UberEats, Favor, Doordash, Postmates, GrubHub, etc…

4) When you come home from being out in public you can finally take off your homemade mask and breathe again.

5) Working from home now means that every hour is happy hour, right? I don’t make the quarantine rules! Does anybody know if the liquor stores deliver?

6) When you realize that other humans have not seen you for a week and you need to get super glammed up for a Zoom call to remind them how #fabulous you are.

7) Taking your fifth bubble bath this week because why not? You can accomplish a lot from the tub! Bonus points if you take conference calls or send emails from the water as well. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you can’t work on you!  Don’t be afraid to double down on the self-care, babe!

8) When you open Snapchat see one of your friends posting on their story about a very non-essential outing. #yikes Tell that boy bye! Stay inside, boo!

9) The Official work from home checklist– Pants? Totally optional. Dancing in your underwear? Encouraged. Snacks? Definitely necessary. Sleep schedule? Forget about it. Netflix binge? Absolutely. DivaDance classes? For sure! We’re not stopping you there, boo!

10) When you see a local healthcare worker or other essential worker doing their best to make sure we are all happy, healthy, safe, and taken care of during this time.

We can’t wait to dance with everyone again! In the meantime, don’t forget to check out our DivaDance live stream classes broadcasting from our HQ every single day! Keep us updated, tag us on our social media, and let us know how you are still going to #domoreofwhatyoulove and dance this quarantine away!

And, if you’re the type to try and learn something new while you’re stuck at home, we have some epic news for you. We’re so beyond excited to introduce DivaDance on-demand – starting as an effort to support our instructors nationwide who have created some fun tutorials in various styles. You can rent or buy the videos and all the purchases go directly to the instructors! Try your hand at ballet, heels, broadway, hip hop and more! Learn to turn and share your progress on social media.  This is a great way to support your favorite instructors while dancing at home!

We can’t wait to see how you make the most of your #werkfromhome life!

Remember, y’all! Be safe, be smart, Beyoncé!

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