6 Tips to Make Working From Home Actually Fun

working from home

As a result of small businesses and large corporations alike doing their part to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus, many employees have been advised to work from home as a measure of “social distancing.” (Remember back in middle school when y’all awkwardly danced three feet apart? It’s like that but more extreme.)

As enticing as working from home may sound while COVID-19 runs its course, lounging around in your cleanest yoga pants while cramming in your entire day on the living room couch can quickly become a real grind (DivaDance pun intended). You’ll soon discover that your cat is a crappy intern, your coworker Becky from the water cooler is far more engaging than the annoying sound of your own voice, and those gourmet salads you routinely pick up from the downstairs cafe will suddenly morph into whatever pizza rolls you have lying around in the bottom of your freezer. And that’s not very fun for anyone.

Whether you’re working from home in New York or North Dallas, we’ve got some ideas to help make your WFH routine less basic and more bangin’ — a total slaycation, if you will.

working from home

1. Turn on Some Tunes

It’s obvious, yes — but music is like food for the soul and the heart and all the feel-goods. So be it the Beatles or old-school Britney Spears, crank up Pandora or Spotify, get in the zone, and get to work, b*tch. (See what we did there?) There’s something about having some music on in the background that just makes ya feel less lonely and isolated, ya know? The same can be said for a little television. If you can focus without actually watching Love Is Blind on Netflix, turn it on for a little background noise (and drama).

6 Tips to Make Working From Home Actually Fun 1

2. Compete with Yourself

No, we’re not talking full-on solo races across the living room. Set a deadline for yourself, and if you make it, reward said self with a bag of Skittles. Even something as mundane as writing a full paragraph by a specific time (down to the minute). Did you beat or meet your prediction? Skittles for everybody! Or at least just you. Because, you know, you’re alone.

working from home

3. Get to ‘Werk’ with an On-Demand Dance Class

Speaking of getting your groove on with some tunes, DivaDance is now offering all members nationwide online dance classes from their Austin, Texas, headquarters. Take an hour-long “werk” break and learn a hot routine to hits new and old from Beyoncé, Rihanna, Britney, and Lizzo, mixed in with a little P!nk and Christina Aguilera for good measure. For beginners and experienced dancers alike, the live-streamed DivaDance classes are a party and a workout all rolled into one — perfect for making our physical and mental health a priority during such a stressful time. And then once the regularly scheduled classes are back on point, get in formation yourself in the studio. Check out this list of DivaDance locations and find one near you from New York City to Sarasota, and become a member now.

6 Tips to Make Working From Home Actually Fun 2

4. Set Up a Digital ‘Water Cooler’ Chatroom

For those of you glued to professional messaging platforms like Zoom, Slack, Google Hangouts, and Hive for any and all work communication, why not make it somewhat exciting? Set up a group chat with coworkers where you can exchange lighthearted memes featuring famous cats and riveting YouTube videos of toddlers. Anything to take your mind off of work and fast-moving viruses. Or take it up a notch and actually call a coworker (phone calls, what?). Sometimes just hearing another person’s voice can make you feel sane.

Beyonce Wasn't Built In a Day


5. Give Yourself an Epic Workspace

Whether it’s your favorite couch cushion (the left one beside the end table, to be exact) or a bona fide home office (lucky), set yourself up for success. Set out your favorite coffee mug, grab some colored pens, display a fun notepad, and surround yourself with a few motivational quotes (see above) or sexy photos of Ryan Gosling (no judgies). If you love your surroundings, you’re liable to be happier while working from home, just sayin’. Another idea in the same vein? Mix it up. Move your workspace from your couch to your kitchen table to (gasp!) even your bed — just don’t blame us if you accidentally pass out.

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6. Get Your Beauty Routine On

No one is around, which means you can do all of that weirdo stuff you can’t do at work… like working in your undies. Not into pantsless productivity? Put on one of those creepy brightening sheet masks. Give yourself a pedicure and write that TPS report while your toes dry. Heck, even bleach your mustache if that’s your thing. Nobody has to know, and you’ll return to work glowing (whenever that time comes).

What tips do you have for increasing the fun factor while working from home?

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